Insert Title XII


Soft lips caress gently on cheek to gain

the tender response,

The man in all his warmth

of the embrace…overcome

As arms wrap tightly, protecting the

other of everything

Or, anything capable of penetrating

the barriers created

When we are alone



As I thought laying in bed,

You were in the next room

I figured you’d grab that kitchen knife

shove the blade in my back

Using the crease of my spine as a reference

Splitting open the surface

Leaving me for dead to walk among the other haunts

Who wander looking for interaction, any kind of human compassion

Some kind of consideration of thought

So that we may return home



Reminiscing, or living

Maybe you are as I am,

I am as you were

In opposite directions

traveling through the empty

spaces of mind in time


Do we pass one by

on a future fateful night

Of cross street glances

Or in writing,

connecting on understanding

Psychedelic musings of drifting into

and out of oblivion?


A language dedicated to

the verbal tidings on emotion,

Of emotion

and what it is that we are



To represent a lifeless representation

of a person, portraying the words

that mold eye to see:

Soft, curved back of porcelain

skin, radiating in a creator’s dream;

the storyteller as an intriguing as an

unknown stranger


I am not an audience,

I am only one person.



Silver light, pale contrast reflecting off of the glass

Humbled by the moon

Glancing down on millions of mirrors

Longing to imitate the color of wonder

As they sit in their silent slumbers

Lakes and oceans, bodies of water around

Sealing face into semi-permanent perfection



One right turn takes the mind on a new direction

A new destination to love, or to hate

Depending on the current situation


I am grateful for the new year ❤️

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