Monthly Archives: February 2017

February 15th


There are only so many days in the year

They float by like dandelion seeds in the wind

Being tossed violently about without a care

Until another sunset passes to perpetuate the cycle


The journey: never satisfying a linear destination

The soul: equal to the sums of time


We process such thoughts seeking out balance

So that mind and reason fit together as a puzzle might

Because believing that we are one as substantially stable

Makes us feel better from the turmoil in growth of mind


The journey: never simply a task in sequence

The soul: equal to the observance’s progression


There are only so many days in the year

They float by like dandelion seeds in the wind

Today marks the moment that proves we exist

To solidify our memories by tomorrow


I am grateful for today ❤

Insert Title VII


I’ve taken out my pen at least ten times within the last ten minutes

Every time I set out to write a profound line or statement

The ink dries up and my mind wanders to numbered lists


Vibrational tinkering


Repetitive nonsense

Off-key but

Playing its own

Dramatic melody


Been here before, balancing on the tightrope

Obsessing about answers when I don’t even know

I have really enjoyed perusing your train of thought


A little boy fell off of his bicycle

Scared and all alone

He grabbed the sidewalk for its warmth

But ended up getting burned

Crawling around on all fours

He forgot how to walk

Abandoned, hurt, and sick of himself

He never made it home


Scraping out the ash from the bottom

Lighting up and hoping for one more

Fingers burning but still I don’t stop

Finally, there is something to feel

If I were honest with you

Then I would have to believe myself

There are moments when I doubt everything

With too many thoughts to figure out

It’s always the last hit that

seems better than the next


The sun sets on restless minds

Attracted by shiny gems glowing

Ambers in the eyes of who’s looking

Momentary distractions demanding attention

Versus simply enjoying the moon


If dreaming were easy than more people would have less to believe

And less to think of as real

Even if reality is never something we understand


There’s a special price to pay for

Being above all of the rest:

Creatures hovering through the rain

But never getting wet

Watching the animals below as they scatter

Shielding their faces with the backs

Of their hands

No attention to what’s overhead

As they run for cover


Even if the rain falls

Creating sad, long lines down the pane

I can still find myself

On the other side looking in


I am grateful for fluffy snow ❤